Met a girl with an ex who randomly converted to Judaism. The decision to do so isn’t the issue. The issue is that he hid it from her (while they were a couple), and sees nothing wrong with it. Everyone…be honest about who you are!
It’s not that big of a deal. So can people just stop already? Stop with the staring, stop with the rudeness, just stop. It’s 2015 ho shameful is it to still act as if race is really that big of a huge issue. Race is…
Can we not look like sex everywhere we go? I mean the clothes that barely cover our private parts are getting annoying. Looking like a billboard for walking sex shouldn’t be encouraged. What happened to leaving a little to the imagination?
Bad first dates or bad dating in general is happening all over the place. It’s inevitable. Plea joke don’t even know themselves and who they are to be able to choose the right person to date.
The whole “once you go black, you don’t want to go back” is horseshit for me. I have sure gone black and gone back to anyone whether black or white who has his girth and his control perfectly on point.
I always thought I would be able to land myself a rich NY guy but I have just ended the worst relationship of my life with a major NY LOSER. Terrible!!
I recently had a date that was so rude to the server at the restaurant we ate in. I felt so unsafe with him seeing him treat a person like that. It definitely sent me a big RED signal
I can’t stand it when someone thinks it’s okay to mention sex in a new relationship. I don’t want to go that far on a first date and you won’t get a second one if you keep trying.