
Rants - Animals / Pets

Added 9 years ago
I love dogs (I even have one myself) – but if you choose to have one, you need to teach the dog how to go to the bathroom on the curb. If it’s not possible, than at least have the courtesy to clean up after…
Added 10 years ago
There is a such thing as wiping your dog. If you wipe your ass, please wipe their ass too.
Added 10 years ago
Boiled fish is completely gross. Just the thought makes me wanna vomit.
Added 10 years ago
This sounds gross and tasty at the same time. I guess sort of a useless recipe if you are looking get fit.
Added 10 years ago
Why do dogs have such bad breathe? I’ve tried everything…even the vet doesn’t know the reason for my dog’s doo doo breath.
Added 10 years ago
I understand pet food is expensive, but you don’t have to keep a pet. Feed them well, no reason to have a skinny pet. They should be fat and happy.
Added 10 years ago
I’m thinking of trying the whole raw fish thing, but I’m nervous. I’m worried it will taste like shit and have a bad texture.
Added 10 years ago
What is a cat lady really? It seems like anyone with more than 2 cats is deemed a cat lady. That really isn’t fair.
Added 10 years ago
There is a such thing as too many dogs in a home. Be mindful of your house size before taking on more pets.
Added 10 years ago
I grew up on a farm with a ton of horses. Where are the farms in New York, and why the hell are horses pulling people around all day?
Added 10 years ago
If you are going to carry a dog in a purse, at least make sure the purse is cute. Beat up purses don’t work ladies.
Added 10 years ago
Stop with the imitation crab meat. It’s disgusting no matter what you do with it.
Added 10 years ago
I’ve seen people stare at a cat grooming himself for minutes at a time. I don’t understand the fascination, unless you are jealous.
Added 10 years ago
Do cats really drink milk? I tried to give milk to my neighbor’s cat and she looked at me like I was stupid.
Added 10 years ago
Mini horses are cute, but they look mean. It seems like they are angry for being so small.
Added 10 years ago
I don’t why people get a kick out of watching a snake eat a mouse. I hate mice, but it’s just fucked up to sit there and watch something like that.
Added 10 years ago
Is a talking bird creepy or what? It’s funny for a second, but not while it stares at you and talks. Just weird.
Added 10 years ago
I saw an abandoned fish on a stoop one day. Who does that? At least give it to a bored kid.
Added 10 years ago
Dog barking is beyond annoying. When you Iive in an apt as many in NY do, common courtesy is to at least make an attempt at dog training.
Added 10 years ago
Cat ladies, wash your clothes and your cats if needed. They stink and so do you.
Added 10 years ago
To you dirty fish markets out there, you know who you are. Why is there shit hanging out on top of the salmon? Did you use it as toilet tissue?
Added 10 years ago
It’s so funny to see a man with a rat tail hanging from his head. Not cool dude, cut it off.
Added 10 years ago
Cut a small hole in the leg of the next racist you see. Then find the nearest mouse (shouldn’t be hard) and let it suck on the hole!
Added 10 years ago
People of NY, we don’t want to pet your snake. Not the one in your pants, or the germy one on your neck.
Added 10 years ago
Why have a reptile as a pet? Especially if you are going to keep it in the cage all day. Not fair, and useless.
Added 10 years ago
Save the horses in NY everyone. I don’t care if you don’t have the space, they are better off with you anyway.
Added 10 years ago
I wish people would stop saying fishes. The world should know by now…c’mon people!
Added 10 years ago
Next time you see someone yelling at their dog, you have a duty to do one thing. Kick the person in the face, and take the dog as you yell at them.
Added 10 years ago
I don’t understand the purpose of cats. They just sit around and lick their butts.
Added 10 years ago
What do these things eat anyway? If we eat them, maybe they will go away…sky rats!
Added 10 years ago
NYC has bird shit everywhere. Shot gun anyone? I’d like to take the first shot.
Added 10 years ago
why can’t i just walk down to the park and get a pigeon, go home, cook it and eat….This is a free country people!!!
Added 10 years ago
it is pointless to have fishes when you won’t eat them.what is wrong with my niece and keeping stupid gold fishes
Added 10 years ago
i had all my money on that horse and guess what ‘it lost’…i wish i had a gun
Added 10 years ago
seriously, who said dogs pet? i think this dog should be kept in the Zoo
Added 10 years ago
can’t these bird be quiet for once…imagine i went to a friends house and this talkative parrot wouldn’t stop ranting!!!
Added 10 years ago
After all thees stupid traps, this stupid rat still found a way around it…i called the pest control company and they still could not control it. i wonder if this is still a rat or ……
Added 10 years ago
Why? Doesn’t it make you itch? Don’t you feel like the health dept should be called when you welcome a rodent in the home?
Added 10 years ago
Don’t own a horse (or any animal) if you can’t afford to care for them properly. It isn’t fair, and you suck for thinking it looks cool to own a horse when you’re broke.
Added 10 years ago
What’s the point of one fish in a bowl? An aquarium rules, but isn’t one fish dull?
Added 10 years ago
I think it would be really awesome if people didn’t allow their shedding cats to lie all over the couch before company arrives. I am so sick of going to a cat owner’s house, just to leave with a furry ass.
Added 10 years ago
Why do some ppl think their home doesn’t smell when they actually never wash their dogs? Dogs need baths too stinky.
Added 10 years ago
Has anyone seen the video with the mice running around on donuts late at night? Some were sort of humping. I wonder if that’s where the glaze comes from.
Added 10 years ago
I visited a friend recently, and saw a mouse scurry through the kitchen. I panicked and left, but she was fine. She claimed it to be “normal” in NYC. I don;t think it’s normal anywhere.
Added 10 years ago
I saw a video where a snake at a pet store attempted to eat himself. Ppl were near the cage filming, yet during the entire time, no one helped the poor snake who was bleeding from his own attempted suicide. Life must have really hit…
Added 10 years ago
I really think it’s cruel to fish with a hook. The fish clearly don’t have a voice, and can’t say OUCH right before being tossed back in the water in pain. There has to be a better way to do this.
Added 10 years ago
Not sure why NY seems to have an insane overpopulation of birds. All in one day, I stepped in shit and had shit on my pants (no it wasn’t mine).
Added 10 years ago
I apologize in advance to all of the cat lovers out there. But, don’t they just seem a little demonic?! C’mon, they are pretty messed up!
Added 10 years ago
Who poos everywhere like this dog! Beautiful but disgusting dog. Can my neighbor please keep him to herself?
Added 10 years ago
Not everything rolled in rice and prepared by an awesome Japanese person is called sushi! Oh and sushi doesn’t mean raw fish! I don’t know, but you would think people would know that by now.
Added 10 years ago
I am a huge horse lover, but would never support a carriage ride in NY. If the proposed ban is true, it can’t come fast enough. My heart aches for these horses, and I just wanna save them all…they seem to be miserable!
Added 10 years ago
Isn’t there something we can do about the rat problem here? I’m ready for war…who’s joining me?
Added 10 years ago
I have my own dog crap to clean up…why should the neighbor allow her dog to make it worse? I went to the kitchen for a piece of pie, and the little turd was dropping a turd outside IN MY YARD!
Added 10 years ago
I heard of someone rearing snakes. Not one but 12! What in God’s name is he doing? Why not go sleep in the Zoo instead.
Added 10 years ago
Look I don’t know why but when I see a pigeon I just can’t bare to be close to them. You never know what they’re thinking and they always look alert which I find rude. Their eyes are crazy eyes. I have no problem with…
Added 10 years ago
Horses are like big dogs, but even nastier. They have flies constantly in their eyes and their poop is ten times bigger than a dog. I don’t see the appeal.
Added 10 years ago
They’re not cute and cuddly. They’re nasty. They get in trash, they poop everywhere, they smell just as bad. I do not want your dog coming up to me and sniffing me, licking me, etc. Please keep that to yourself.
Added 10 years ago
CURB your dog. Don’t pee and crap on my sidewalk. Walk the extra 2 feet and put your mutt in the street. Stop making me walk over it. To those a-holes who “forget” to clean up after their dog. The penalty should not be a…