
Rants - Cats

Added 10 years ago
What is a cat lady really? It seems like anyone with more than 2 cats is deemed a cat lady. That really isn’t fair.
Added 10 years ago
I’ve seen people stare at a cat grooming himself for minutes at a time. I don’t understand the fascination, unless you are jealous.
Added 10 years ago
Do cats really drink milk? I tried to give milk to my neighbor’s cat and she looked at me like I was stupid.
Added 10 years ago
Cat ladies, wash your clothes and your cats if needed. They stink and so do you.
Added 10 years ago
I don’t understand the purpose of cats. They just sit around and lick their butts.
Added 10 years ago
I think it would be really awesome if people didn’t allow their shedding cats to lie all over the couch before company arrives. I am so sick of going to a cat owner’s house, just to leave with a furry ass.
Added 10 years ago
I apologize in advance to all of the cat lovers out there. But, don’t they just seem a little demonic?! C’mon, they are pretty messed up!