
Rants - Family

Added 9 years ago
Why do parents let their kids leave the house showing so much skin? I was out to lunch yesterday and saw four teenage girls showing so much skin I had to look away. I am not a prude, but it gets to the point where…
Added 10 years ago
Every family has too many cousins as it is. Then, when you become rich, everyone is your cousin.
Added 10 years ago
Put your kid on a leash if you have to. But, please stop letting them run wild in stores.
Added 10 years ago
Not sure why people are shocked that both of my maternal grandparent’s are alive. Not everyone is dead people.
Added 10 years ago
I feel bad for people who only have pets as family. I just wanna give them a big hug!
Added 10 years ago
Dads, don’t say your kid’s mom won’t let you near. If you want to be with your kid/s, you’ll find a way.
Added 10 years ago
Family doesn’t have to mean blood. Sometimes friends are the best family you could have.
Added 10 years ago
I’m an only child, so are you jealous?! People always ask if I was lonely growing up. NOPE!
Added 10 years ago
There is surely a such thing as too many kids. Consider stopping sooner than later.
Added 10 years ago
No one is regulating the age limit for a kid. So, stop thinking it has to be done by a certain time if you aren’t ready.
Added 10 years ago
Why do ppl claim everyone is their cousin? Just because you share the same last name, means absolutely nothing. You just met the person at the store.
Added 10 years ago
Overbearing parents are the worst. They want to control everything, but then say they just want you to be happy. Then let me be.
Added 10 years ago
Well! The height of gross irresponsibility is Nick leaving Nina all alone at home to go to visit friends and giving the excuse of her being asleep when he left. She is just 8month for Christ’s sake. Please get 101 parenting tips for dummies Nick!
Added 10 years ago
I was at the park the other day with my kids and I saw a kid cursing at another. It is so sad how kids are raised now.
Added 10 years ago
Parents need to seriously be a part of their kids lives by being involved, supporting them, guiding them, and to definitely stop trying to be their kids best friends instead of actual parents. It’s not cute for parents to allow their kids to make decions…
Added 10 years ago
Why do all moms become monsters at their kid’s sporting events? It’s a game, get a grip.
Added 10 years ago
Formula is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen. It’s basically powdered milk. And for $20 a can? Jeez.
Added 10 years ago
I live with my sister and her husband and I can’t stand them. They expect me to be the maid, so they leave all their trash everywhere and they haven’t washed dishes in MONTHS. We both pay to live here so we both need to…
Added 10 years ago
If you’re in public and your kid starts screaming, do something. Don’t just ignore them or I’m liable to punch you in the face.
Added 10 years ago
Yes, I know you were the first woman in his life and he loves you. But he’s capable and loving more than one person. I cannot stand my mother in-law. She thinks she’s so much better than me, even when it comes to my kids.…