
Rants - Government

Added 5 years ago
All Lives Matter. If we are saying Black Lives Matter are we then saying other lives do not matter? The rash of Black Deaths is unacceptable but the reality is cops kill more whites than blacks. The reality is we do not have a policing…
 Sally B
Added 5 years ago
How hard is it for you to wear a mask? If you have a health condition get a Plastic visor or STAY HOME. If you cannot afford one go to any subway station and booth operator will give you one for Free! We will NEVER…
Added 5 years ago
how can they change the city charter and provide only 5 questions,. Read the questions , each is made up of many different concepts. so we have no option but to to accept or reject every part in full. it should have been 5 questions…
Added 7 years ago
Out of 5 mil NYer allowed to vote only 1.1 Did. To the 3.9 million YOU SUCK. I would make the vote mandatory and have a field – I CHOOSE NOT TO VOTE. Make them get out of bed and do there duty! To all…
Added 7 years ago
I’m back again! This time it’s to talk about the 2nd amendment, the right to bear arms. Now, I for one, do not care much about this law because I don’t like guns but I do feel everyone, legally, has a right to have one.…
Added 7 years ago
When you walk down the street, Every Street there are homeless / bums / Drunks / the mentally ill on the block. We did not have this 4 years ago. We need a new mayor. Anybody is better than Warren Wilhelm !
Added 9 years ago
Why are so many people against the Donald? He may be politically incorrect…but he is saying things that many of us actually think, but don’t have the balls to talk about – and maybe we actually need to have these conversations!
Added 10 years ago
Every single PO in NY should have a stamp machine. I should not have to stand in line for a book of stamps.
Added 10 years ago
If amber alerts are going to be effective, maybe we should stop the world for a sec to make sure everyone knows a child is missing. This way, we can recover more kids ALIVE.
Added 10 years ago
I think this is a great category. You may shift a little hear and there. Screw those of you who think ppl have to choose demo or rep.
Added 10 years ago
Stop calling Obama the first black president. He’s mixed fart heads, so he’s the first mixed president.
Added 10 years ago
Too many dumb laws to mention. We should all make a list of the useless laws, and push for a law to have them outlawed.
Added 10 years ago
I want to have a law passed to ban smoking period. It should be treated like crack or something.
Added 10 years ago
There isn’t anything wrong with talking politics. But, at least know what you are talking about before spreading those lips.
Added 10 years ago
I was overcharged for my PO box and the PO did nothing. Eventually, I just gave up…I want my money back.
Added 10 years ago
Stop putting someone else’s mail in my box. I tell you this every time, but you do it anyway! Read the box.
Added 10 years ago
Better service at the PO now! You hate your lives postal workers, but I don’t hate mine. Be nice.
Added 10 years ago
where is the party in tea parties, everyone just sits around drinking tea…where is the good old dancing(partying). that sh*t is boring
Added 10 years ago
People who are actually drunk just be penalized to the fullest extent of the law. But, why would 2 glasses of wine turn in to a mug shot? Regular drinkers wouldn’t even feel the effects of 2 gasses. Yet, they would sure feel the effects…
Added 10 years ago
Dumb laws are so annoying and dumb. If it’s a dumb law why does it even exist? There’s stupid laws out there that have no right existing, yet other more important laws that need to be established are ignored. What kind of government is this?
Added 10 years ago
Any government that exists in this world just sucks. Period point blank. They’re all corrupt, dumb as rocks, and money hungry, greedy, and probably suffering from mental illnesses.
Added 10 years ago
I hate feminists. Go make me a sandwich while you preach about slut shaming and equal rights. Blah, blah, blah.
Added 10 years ago
Hearing about the banning of the confederate flag makes me so mad. It’s a part of our history. If Nazi flags are still allowed, why can’t the Confederate flag be allowed?