
Rants - Politics

Added 4 years ago
All Lives Matter. If we are saying Black Lives Matter are we then saying other lives do not matter? The rash of Black Deaths is unacceptable but the reality is cops kill more whites than blacks. The reality is we do not have a policing…
 Sally B
Added 7 years ago
Out of 5 mil NYer allowed to vote only 1.1 Did. To the 3.9 million YOU SUCK. I would make the vote mandatory and have a field – I CHOOSE NOT TO VOTE. Make them get out of bed and do there duty! To all…
Added 9 years ago
Why are so many people against the Donald? He may be politically incorrect…but he is saying things that many of us actually think, but don’t have the balls to talk about – and maybe we actually need to have these conversations!
Added 9 years ago
I think this is a great category. You may shift a little hear and there. Screw those of you who think ppl have to choose demo or rep.
Added 9 years ago
There isn’t anything wrong with talking politics. But, at least know what you are talking about before spreading those lips.
Added 9 years ago
where is the party in tea parties, everyone just sits around drinking tea…where is the good old dancing(partying). that sh*t is boring
Added 9 years ago
I hate feminists. Go make me a sandwich while you preach about slut shaming and equal rights. Blah, blah, blah.
Added 9 years ago
Hearing about the banning of the confederate flag makes me so mad. It’s a part of our history. If Nazi flags are still allowed, why can’t the Confederate flag be allowed?