
Rants - Technology

Added 5 years ago
Why do people request your friendship on facebook if they don’t want to have anything to do with you? I have received many friend requests from people I have gone to high school/college with but since lost touch – so I was pleased to accept…
Added 5 years ago
why is every Android phone different? I have 2 of them different brands and they work differently,,. it is a waste of my time ,. Get it together Google
Added 7 years ago
The Windows 10 fall creators update rolled out to PCs last week! If you’re a gamer, you need to know the updates made to the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. Microsoft has finally switched on the TruePlay feature that works to filter out common cheats…
Added 7 years ago
Ahh, I love Microsoft. I love them so much that I opted to stay with my Windows 7 operating system over Windows 8, 8.1, and 10. No offense but Windows 7 just works. This is coming from someone who started on Windows 98. I’m not…
Added 10 years ago
I like to have a desktop and laptop. The heat on my lap isn’t always fun.
Added 10 years ago
Seriously, every year a new iPhone? I think this is unnecessary and ridiculous.
Added 10 years ago
I just wanna throw my phone when it get shot. Just blow my head off why don’t you?
Added 10 years ago
I’m a mac user, but I think macs are overrated. Computers are just a little fucked up in general.
Added 10 years ago
Modern technology is a blessing and a curse. I can’t imagine life without it, yet at times I don’t know why we have life with it.
Added 10 years ago
I had an android before anyone knew what they were. Now everyone has one, and I remind them that I was cool first.
Added 10 years ago
I’m gonna invent a phone and call it the whiteberry. Only, it won’t suck like the blackberry.
Added 10 years ago
Computers rule the world. I really don’t think we can function without them. This is probably the reason that many just don’t hold up anymore. The company’s know we need them regardless.
Added 10 years ago
Drones are fucked up. Maybe not for all things, but for many. Paparazzi should not be allowed to use them for that perfect shot.
Added 10 years ago
Shut your fucking trap when you’re in line. You aren’t focused, and we all have to wait for you to get it together.
Added 10 years ago
Not many people use them anymore. They seem weird and bulky all of a sudden. Times have changed so fast. Computers were once the biggest deal and now our phones can do twice as much as a computer can and maybe even better.
Added 10 years ago
Blackberry phones still exist? I used to love them. Now they irritate me so much. I can’t look at one.
Added 10 years ago
Just learned about a new feature this morning from Yahoo, where you see the person live that is receiving your text – but there is no speaking/audio. That is just as bad as people going out to eat and spending more time texting others on…
Added 10 years ago
What ever happened to kids playing outside like back in the day, instead of sitting inside your room and playing in their iPads or iPhones? What happened to good old actual face to face dating, instead of Skype calls? What ever happened to calling and…
Added 10 years ago
Do people really still play it? And people over the age of 12 play it? Grow up and do something productive.
Added 10 years ago
You would think that with autocorrect and spell check, people would finally spell correctly and use proper grammar. But no, of course not.