
Rants - TV

Added 10 years ago
Commercials with talking dogs are funny. They look so real, and I want to figure out a way to make my dog talk.
Added 10 years ago
What the hell is WeTV? Girls watch it, I know that much, but don’t they already have lifetime?
Added 10 years ago
Binge watching is the best. Grab a glass of wine and do it. People who say binge watching is for lazy folks… are just dumb.
Added 10 years ago
Enough with the news already. We get it, the world sucks. Well, if we have constant reminders of that, I guess it’ll never get better.
Added 10 years ago
I haven’t watched much of this show, although I’ve heard great things. I just wish there were a show that didn’t make black ppl sound so ghetto. Not every black person is ghetto.
Added 10 years ago
I once loved talk shows, but now they suck. There really aren’t good ones to watch anymore…maybe one or two.
Added 10 years ago
What is the point of a million tv stations? So suckers like me will pay for the highest package very month? Screw you stations.
Added 10 years ago
No sure why the show has this title, when none of the women are housewives. Some don’t even have a husband.
Added 10 years ago
There should be a station with positive news programming. The regular news programs are so depressing and anxiety provoking.
Added 10 years ago
There’s literally nothing to watch on TV anymore. It’s just a bunch of stupid content that has no meaning or purpose, and if it does it’s purpose is useless. TV in this generation is filled with a bunch of nonsense with no value.
Added 10 years ago
The music in many different commercials is interesting. I noticed the version of certain song featured in commercials are actually better than the regular versions of the songs. It annoying when you find out what songs are being played and once you hear the original…
Added 10 years ago
Have you noticed that most news on TV or online is bad news? There’s always 10 bad stories and like 1 positive or good story. How depressing!
Added 10 years ago
I swear the show was written by 12 year olds because that’s the only age group who finds the jokes funny. Nothing makes sense. It’s so annoying.
Added 10 years ago
If you’re going to make a commercial, can you at least make it about something related to the product? Seeing that funny skit was nice and all, but it’s not going to help me remember your product unless it’s related.