
Rants - Websites

Added 10 years ago
You tube has so much wonderful shit. I do wish that a child birthing video wouldn’t pop up when I am searching for family guy.
Added 10 years ago
Food sites are the best…free recipes everywhere. It is a pain when ppl post how great the recipe was after they made 72 changes.
Added 10 years ago
There is a website for everything these days. Every time I have a cool idea for a site, 20 just like it have already been launched.
Added 10 years ago
Why are there so many? Even worse, why are there so many that want payment for naked butt holes? Porn hub is all you need…free, free, free!
Added 10 years ago
The recent trend for bloggers now is in the aim of trying to get readers, use outrageous headings that are really annoying!