
Rants - Weight

Added 10 years ago
Parents…unless your kid has a health condition, you are to blame for a 200 pound kid. Lock the damn fridge if you have to do so.
Added 10 years ago
Stop assuming a skinny baby is not well fed. Most times you are completely wrong.
Added 10 years ago
Just like fat shaming is wrong, so is skinny shaming. Just because you aren’t smaller doesn’t mean you have to hate ppl who are.
Added 10 years ago
Stop fat shaming…turn your head. It does nothing for anyone to make ppl feel worse than they already do on their own.
Added 10 years ago
Yeah right! $5 pill to get really skinny till ribs and bones start showing. Can we please breathe from all these many weight loss therapies…. It’s getting really scary and confusing
Added 10 years ago
Everyone seems to have one working theory or the other for weight loss! It’s really getting confusion knowing which to believe