
Rants - Open

Added 2 years ago
The absolute lack of care about the safety and cleanliness on the subway which millions of New Yorkers use every day to get to work, home, loved ones etc. The amount we pay in taxes and subway fare should not result in this obvious neglect…
Added 5 years ago
All Lives Matter. If we are saying Black Lives Matter are we then saying other lives do not matter? The rash of Black Deaths is unacceptable but the reality is cops kill more whites than blacks. The reality is we do not have a policing…
 Sally B
Added 5 years ago
How hard is it for you to wear a mask? If you have a health condition get a Plastic visor or STAY HOME. If you cannot afford one go to any subway station and booth operator will give you one for Free! We will NEVER…
Added 5 years ago
People need to stop throwing thrash on the floor in NYC. How hard is it to take your trash and place it in a waste bin. I do it all the time and its not very hard. If i have an empty bottle i leave…
Added 5 years ago
Now I don’t normally speak my thoughts because my opinion doesn’t amount to much but am I the only one that is sick and tired of panhandlers? I get it, you need money. Shoot, we all need money! But going about asking for a handout…
Added 5 years ago
It is the loading and unloading that make the bus slow. So a bus should stop at every stop to pick people up but not to let them off. So a 96st bus starting on Broadway would only drop of at 96 and lex. Then…
Added 5 years ago
how can they change the city charter and provide only 5 questions,. Read the questions , each is made up of many different concepts. so we have no option but to to accept or reject every part in full. it should have been 5 questions…
Added 5 years ago
I want to understand how a resturant reviewers works. Do the reviewer go and order 3 or 4 dishes and sample each one ? If they only try one dish and it is good or bad does that show the full picture? of course decore…
Added 5 years ago
Why do people request your friendship on facebook if they don’t want to have anything to do with you? I have received many friend requests from people I have gone to high school/college with but since lost touch – so I was pleased to accept…
Added 5 years ago
why is every Android phone different? I have 2 of them different brands and they work differently,,. it is a waste of my time ,. Get it together Google
Added 5 years ago
I recently dated a touchy disgusting guy. On our first date, his hands were all over me literally drooling sex.. Fucked Pervert…
Added 6 years ago
Why would I wanna kiss you with food in your mouth? That is fucked up…swallow and drink water first.
Added 6 years ago
Stop yelling in public. You sound, and look very stupid.
Added 6 years ago
In-laws are the worst thing to happen to mankind. Hey, what more can I say?
Added 6 years ago
At least pretend you aren’t super hungry when you are on a first date. Five courses swallowed whole is not hot.
Added 6 years ago
Not sure about this one. Sweats and shoes look great with the right sweats and shoes. However, if you are wearing “love pink” sweats and walmart pumps…please stop.
Added 6 years ago
Hospital nurses seem angry and lazy. Of course there are some who love their job, but most seem pissed.
Added 7 years ago
Out of 5 mil NYer allowed to vote only 1.1 Did. To the 3.9 million YOU SUCK. I would make the vote mandatory and have a field – I CHOOSE NOT TO VOTE. Make them get out of bed and do there duty! To all…
Added 7 years ago
The Windows 10 fall creators update rolled out to PCs last week! If you’re a gamer, you need to know the updates made to the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. Microsoft has finally switched on the TruePlay feature that works to filter out common cheats…
Added 7 years ago
Ahh, I love Microsoft. I love them so much that I opted to stay with my Windows 7 operating system over Windows 8, 8.1, and 10. No offense but Windows 7 just works. This is coming from someone who started on Windows 98. I’m not…
Added 7 years ago
I’m back again! This time it’s to talk about the 2nd amendment, the right to bear arms. Now, I for one, do not care much about this law because I don’t like guns but I do feel everyone, legally, has a right to have one.…
Added 7 years ago
When you walk down the street, Every Street there are homeless / bums / Drunks / the mentally ill on the block. We did not have this 4 years ago. We need a new mayor. Anybody is better than Warren Wilhelm !
Added 9 years ago
How many Syrians are we going to allow to enter the US. How long are they going to be allowed to stay? Will their kids who are born in the US become citizens? STOP THE INSANITY!!
Added 9 years ago
Why is the air conditioning off? The R Train was 90+ degrees and every car was like this. Put on the cold air on you cheap bastards. Also run more trains. The trains are packed.
Added 9 years ago
I love dogs (I even have one myself) – but if you choose to have one, you need to teach the dog how to go to the bathroom on the curb. If it’s not possible, than at least have the courtesy to clean up after…
Added 9 years ago
Why do parents let their kids leave the house showing so much skin? I was out to lunch yesterday and saw four teenage girls showing so much skin I had to look away. I am not a prude, but it gets to the point where…
Added 9 years ago
Why are so many people against the Donald? He may be politically incorrect…but he is saying things that many of us actually think, but don’t have the balls to talk about – and maybe we actually need to have these conversations!
Added 9 years ago
If I am nice enough to slow down in my car so that you can get in my lane in front of me – show some appreciation by giving me a simple wave to acknowledge what I did. I did not NEED to slow down…
Added 9 years ago
Why don’t people have the decency to say “thank you” when the door is held open for them? Would they prefer to have the door shut in front of their face? I do have places to be, but still take the time to hold the…
Added 10 years ago
There should be a law against individual people using golf-sized umbrellas when walking on the side-walks in NYC. I continually get poked by people carelessly carrying their ultra-large umbrella – whereas a normal-sized umbrella would still keep them dry and permit more people to walk…
Added 10 years ago
If everyone would just get laid every day…the world would be a better place. So, here is an idea, go have sex NOW.
Added 10 years ago
Can’t believe there was once coke in soda. Let’s bring those days back.
Added 10 years ago
I actually think most same sex parents are better than hetero- parents. We should all be so lucky!
Added 10 years ago
This is the dumbest magazine in the world. Everything they print is obviously false…why are they still in business?
Added 10 years ago
So what if I like ketchup on my hotdog. For those of you who say ketchup is for kids…eat liver.
Added 10 years ago
Sleep aid doesn’t work for insomniacs. It’s time to legalize horse tranquilizers for humans.
Added 10 years ago
I like to have a desktop and laptop. The heat on my lap isn’t always fun.
Added 10 years ago
Excess saliva in your mouth is so nasty. Please check a mirror before you talk…I don’t wanna see that spit line in your mouth.
Added 10 years ago
Kids aren’t the only one’s bullied. The same happens to adults, and all bullies should be kicked in the face with spiked heels.
Added 10 years ago
Every family has too many cousins as it is. Then, when you become rich, everyone is your cousin.
Added 10 years ago
I don’t think I would sit on a public bus seat. Just imagine the semen, fecal matter, and urine all over the place.
Added 10 years ago
There is a such thing as wiping your dog. If you wipe your ass, please wipe their ass too.
Added 10 years ago
I love being a catholic. I love short masses even more.
Added 10 years ago
Put your kid on a leash if you have to. But, please stop letting them run wild in stores.
Added 10 years ago
Chocolate glazed donuts taste weird. I wish they would make up their mind, do you wanna be chocolate or glazed?
Added 10 years ago
Who needs “real” mac and cheese when you have shells and cheese. To those of you who don’t think it’s liquid gold…take a hike!
Added 10 years ago
Not sure why people are shocked that both of my maternal grandparent’s are alive. Not everyone is dead people.
Added 10 years ago
I feel bad for people who only have pets as family. I just wanna give them a big hug!
Added 10 years ago
The quality of kids toys has changed. Everything breaks easily no matter the cost.
Added 10 years ago
I understand this can be hard but it doesn’t have to be. Why not incorporate both sides of your faith in to your home.
Added 10 years ago
I feel dirty when airports are busy. It doesn’t help that people run in to you and don’t apologize.
Added 10 years ago
Seriously, every year a new iPhone? I think this is unnecessary and ridiculous.
Added 10 years ago
Every single PO in NY should have a stamp machine. I should not have to stand in line for a book of stamps.
Added 10 years ago
We need more duchess fast food restaurants. For fast food, it’s pretty damn good quality.
Added 10 years ago
Burger king is nasty as heck. It is the garbage can of fast food.
Added 10 years ago
Parents…unless your kid has a health condition, you are to blame for a 200 pound kid. Lock the damn fridge if you have to do so.
Added 10 years ago
I just wanna throw my phone when it get shot. Just blow my head off why don’t you?
Added 10 years ago
Baseball bats make your arm hurt like hell when you swing. There has to be a less painful way to play ball.
Added 10 years ago
If amber alerts are going to be effective, maybe we should stop the world for a sec to make sure everyone knows a child is missing. This way, we can recover more kids ALIVE.
Added 10 years ago
Biscuits and gravy together sound so nasty. Two super fatty things on your plate…one brown and one yellowish. Sounds like diarrhea.
Added 10 years ago
With the many food mags on the shelves, we should all have something cool to cook almost daily. Stop feeding your family the 5 day rotation week after week.
Added 10 years ago
Home made wings are so good. If you don’t know what you are doing, it is a catastrophe, so please don’t serve them.
Added 10 years ago
Just saw the movie John Q. SPOILER ALERT…why did he go to jail? That is complete bullshit.
Added 10 years ago
Why the hell can’t we find a cure? This is the worst cancer to have and something has to give.
Added 10 years ago
What the hell is salami? It looks so gross, but it’s good.
Added 10 years ago
Idk why I despise this guy. He is a brilliant actor, but seems like a complete deuche.
Added 10 years ago
I saw a turd on the subway, and it was fucked up. I keep telling myself it was from a dog.
Added 10 years ago
I don’t know about this one. She was hot pre-surgery…now her nostrils won’t close.
Added 10 years ago
You tube has so much wonderful shit. I do wish that a child birthing video wouldn’t pop up when I am searching for family guy.
Added 10 years ago
Food sites are the best…free recipes everywhere. It is a pain when ppl post how great the recipe was after they made 72 changes.
Added 10 years ago
Baked fries are just as good as fries in oil. Cut the calories where you can.
Added 10 years ago
Stop assuming a skinny baby is not well fed. Most times you are completely wrong.
Added 10 years ago
Sorry guys over 50, I’m sure it get easier. It probably does once you are over 60.
Added 10 years ago
Commercials with talking dogs are funny. They look so real, and I want to figure out a way to make my dog talk.
Added 10 years ago
This is a mean name for a tattoo. I don’t have a tramp stamp, but it’s still fucked up!
Added 10 years ago
Angel soft TP is devil hard. That TP sucks and should be banned from society.
Added 10 years ago
Some of the most expensive TP is super thin. If I am paying 6 bucks for 4 rolls…I want 4 ply.
Added 10 years ago
Guys (or gals)… the alphabet on our clit doesn’t do the trick. Please, get a new plan ASAP.
Added 10 years ago
Some bastard dentist told me I had 5 cavities. I went to another dentist, and learned I only had 1.
Added 10 years ago
Brad Pitt is still hot, even with 45 kids. Although, I bet he sucks in bed.
Added 10 years ago
I feel like I have to go through a maze to see a teller. It’s annoying and pointless.
Added 10 years ago
Skinny cocks are the worst. It doesn’t matter if you’re long, no one wants your noodle.
Added 10 years ago
You guys must smell your armpits. You know they stink, but you walk around like it’s all ok. IT ISN’T.
Added 10 years ago
Why do ppl make a big deal out of airplane ownership? Not all planes are expensive. You can probably own one if you work at wal-mart.
Added 10 years ago
Let’s all read like the good ol’ reading rainbow days. That guy looks really weird.
Added 10 years ago
I think this is a great category. You may shift a little hear and there. Screw those of you who think ppl have to choose demo or rep.
Added 10 years ago
I feel bad for ppl who HAVE to use the bus everyday. I wish I could buy cars for each one.